文章作者:ktyanny 文章来源: 转载请注明,谢谢合作。 话说ktyanny莫名其妙的,以0票的选举进入党校培训(0票说来话长,但是一个好学生是会受到别人的爱戴的,所以大家要好好学习做个好学生!)。今天又是上党课的时候,书记纠结了两个多小时,一直在问你们入党的动机是什么,怎么加强党性修养。纠结了两个小时之后,导致的结果是,ktyanny突然醒悟过来,既然自己说不想涉足政治方面,那入党还真的有点莫名其妙呢。好了,流水账就记那么多了。
void qsort( void * base , size_t num, size_t width, int (__cdecl * compare )( const void * , const void * ) );
base——Start of target array.
num——Array size in elements.
width——Element size in bytes.
comparison function——The first parameter is a pointer to the key for the search and the second parameter is a pointer to the array element to be compared with the key.
compare( ( void * ) & elem1, ( void * ) & elem2 );
Compare函数返回值 | 描述 |
< 0 | elem1 小于 elem2 |
0 | elem1 等于 elem2 |
> 0 | elem1 大于 elem2 |
“The array is sorted in increasing order, as defined by the comparison function. To sort an array in decreasing order, reverse the sense of "greater than" and "less than" in the comparison function.
This function validates its parameters. If compare or num is NULL, or if base is NULL and *num is nonzero, or if width is less than zero, the invalid parameter handler is invoked, as described in Parameter Validation. If execution is allowed to continue, the function returns and errno is set to EINVAL.”
其实这几句英语很简单的,不过怕某些人太懒得看英文,我来锻炼以下我的英语水平吧。MSDN是这样说的:compare函数原本定义的是让数组执行递增排列的操作。为了使数组按照递减的顺序排列,可以置换"greater than" 和 "less than"以达到这个效果。此函数验证其参数。如果参数compare或num是null,或者是基数是NULL和* num是非零,或者 width小于零,无效的参数请求,就是所说的无效参数。如果继续执行,则函数返回并且errno将被设置成EINVAL(好了,好像翻译得也不是很好懂,还是自己看英文的吧,呵呵……)
题目描述:我比较懒,所以贴上图片吧,懒得去敲题目了, 囧……将就一下吧。
/* by ktyanny 2009.12.10 */ #include < stdio.h > #include < string .h > #include < stdlib.h > #include < math.h > #define NAMELENGTH 30 /*最长名字*/ #define NSUITORS 100 /*suitors的最大数目*/ #define BESH 180 #define BESW 75 typedef struct { char first[NAMELENGTH]; /* first name of suitor */ char last[NAMELENGTH]; /* last name of suitor */ int height; int weight;}suitor;suitor suitors[NSUITORS]; int nsuitors; void read_suitors(){ char first[NAMELENGTH], last[NAMELENGTH]; int height; int weight; nsuitors = 0 ; while (scanf( " %s %s %d %d\n " , suitors[nsuitors].first, suitors[nsuitors].last, & height, & weight) != EOF) { suitors[nsuitors].height = abs(height - BESH); if (weight > BESW) suitors[nsuitors].weight = weight - BESW; else suitors[nsuitors].weight = - weight; nsuitors ++ ; }} /* cmp神奇之处 */ int cmp( const void * a, const void * b){ int result; if (( * (suitor * )a).height < ( * (suitor * )b).height) return - 1 ; if (( * (suitor * )a).height > ( * (suitor * )b).height) return 1 ; if (( * (suitor * )a).weight < ( * (suitor * )b).weight) return - 1 ; if (( * (suitor * )a).weight > ( * (suitor * )b).weight) return 1 ; if ((result = strcmp(( * (suitor * )a).last, ( * (suitor * )b).last)) != 0 ) return result; return (strcmp(( * (suitor * )a).first, ( * (suitor * )b).first));} /* 看完cmp之后感触到什么了吧 */ int main(){ int i; read_suitors(); qsort(suitors, nsuitors, sizeof (suitor), cmp); for (i = 0 ; i < nsuitors; i ++ ) printf( " %s, %s\n " , suitors[i].last, suitors[i].first); return 0 ;} /* George Bush 195 110Harry Truman 180 75Bill Clinton 180 75John Kennedy 180 65Ronald Reagan 165 110Richard Nixon 170 70Jimmy Carter 180 77 */